Full screen slider, Buttons for menu, social networks and slider elements.
Manifesto, Join us w/ sign up boxes.
Creative Concerns:
Points and paragraphs for each.
People Involved:
Influential creators, list of people that have signed up.
Products including T-shirts, membership packs & prints.
Email address, phone number, address, map and message form.
After I had all of this stuff covered I sketched out some wireframes/thumbnails of how I wanted to website to be laid out.
After sketching it out I first laid out all of the button elements on the page with perfect balance, ratios and margins. The background image was then changed until I felt it fit within the grids in the best way.
Once the sizing and content was designed, I changed my mind about having a full screen slider as there was no use for it. This mean taking away the buttons and the slider menu. I also highlighted the button which would link to the manifesto in green.
Upon clicking the menu button in the top left corner, the menu would slide out from the left pushing the homepage across. This would work very fluidly to give a more user-friendly dynamic. The links would underline when the mouse hovered over it.
Upon clicking the manifesto button, the user would be brought to a page dedicated to the 'Honest Things First' manifesto that was written in my essay when critically rewriting the first things first manifesto to make relevant to our current day practices.
When a user scrolls, a darker bar will appear at the top of the screen where the navigation is fixed. Upon reaching the end of the manifesto, the detail boxes are laid out in hope that people would sign the manifesto themselves.
In the creative concerns page, the organisation talks about their beliefs and what needs to be put right, this just emphasises the points made in the manifesto as a sort of conclusion of ideas.
In the People Involved page, there is a slider menu of big names who have so far signed the manifesto, these people haven't actually signed anything but if a designer saw these names and look up to them, it is more likely that they themselves would be more inclined to it. When the user scrolls down they see a list of four columns which names everyone who has signed the manifesto as well as their occupation.
The shop follows the same grid rules as the 'People Involved' page. Products include two variations of screen prints and t-shirts for an example.
The last page was the contact page to allow visitors to ask questions and get in touch with the organisation.
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