1. What
skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you
think you have applied them?
Yet again I have developed my academic writing to
quite a large extent. Never taking any courses involving essay writing has
made the progression difficult but I have definitely improved. Developing
the method of triangulation has been useful too within essay writing
because it helped me draw conclusions with a more academic method.
2. What approaches to/methods of design production
have you developed and how have they informed your design development
I wanted to think outside the box and not make
another book in this module. This lead me to brainstorm further and I
decided to build an organisation. This meant taking a lot of things into
consideration which unfortunately meant there wasn’t enough time to code a
whole website or print and make all of the physical elements. Designing the
full campaign was the most important task so I concentrated on that. Even
though I couldn’t produce any outcomes, presentation of concepts, ideas and
concepts is very important so I made sure I designed a set of clear and
concise boards to tell the whole story.
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and
how have/will you capitalise on these?
The critical understanding of the subject I have
investigated has been clearly presented over both my written work as well
as the practical body that supports it. This has been possible due to the
research carried out and the strength I have developed in finding relevant
and useful information to both back up my points as well as counter them. I
would like to develop my primary research skills more over this summer for
my dissertation.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and
how will you address these in the future?
Even though my whole project is consistent and well
executed, I would of much rather code the website in full and physically
produced all of the printed materials, time management would of provided me
with more time to complete this however I have struggled a lot to fit
everything I have wanted to into each of my modules so each have suffered
5. Identify five things that you will do differently
next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Next time I will plan a lot further ahead and get
working on it sooner rather than later, this will give me more time to
plan, develop concepts and produce a larger body of work. Working more into
concepts always erases loopholes and faults that may not of otherwise even
been noticed, this also strengthens the quality of finished products as
they have had more time and thought put into it.
6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’)
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1
= poor
Quantity of work produced
Quality of work produced
Contribution to the group
The evaluation of your work is an important part of
the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It
is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written
evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If
you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a
member of staff as soon as possible.
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