After a couple of trips to Leeds' craft beer providers asking customers to fill out the survey I decided I had enough data to complete the data analysis.
Number of random consumers involved/surveys completed — 15
Drinks involved — Schnieder Weisse - Blonde, Sierra Nevada - Bigfoot, Kirkstall - Pale, Top Out - Schmankerl, Outlaw Brewery - Full House IPA, Raster - Rouge, Brooklyn - Lager, Magic Rock - Cannonball, Gouden - Carolus, Hoegaarden - Special, Stringer - West Coast Blend, Prototype - Kirkstall Brewery.
Drinks where the visuals played a part in decision making — 9 / 15
Drinks the consumer would have again — 14 / 15
Breweries the consumer would try more from — 14 / 15
Drinks that the consumer would have again where the visuals played a part in the decision making — 9 / 9
Breweries the consumer would try more from where the visuals played a part in the decision making — 9 / 9
Number of consumers that got 100% in brand recognition test — 3 / 15
Number of consumers that got 75% in brand recognition test — 1 / 15
Number of consumers that got 50% in brand recognition test — 5 / 15
Number of consumers that got 25% in brand recognition test — 1 / 15
Number of consumers that got 0% in brand recognition test — 5 / 15
Number of consumers that got 100% in brand recognition test where visuals played a part in the decision making — 2 / 9
Number of consumers that got 75% in brand recognition test where visuals played a part in the decision making — 1 / 9
Number of consumers that got 50% in brand recognition test where visuals played a part in the decision making — 4 / 9
Number of consumers that got 25% in brand recognition test where visuals played a part in the decision making — 1 / 9
Number of consumers that got 0% in brand recognition test where visuals played a part in the decision making — 1 / 9
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