Introduction should underline the objective of the study and maybe explain the methodology involved.
Academic conventions are like an institutional framework for your work. These can be challenged and manipulated to present ideas and research.
At this level you are expected to:
Demonstrate a critical knowledge of practice.
Apply theory to practice.
Analyse relevant material.
Evaluate theory and evidence within the context of study.
Reflect — critiquing and critically reflecting on your learning and using this to improve practice.
Building through the bloom's triangle effectively presents the guiding process in COP3. This must be shown within the writing and practice. *Synthesis*
Avoid a surface approach to the module such as:
Concentration on learning outcomes.
Passive acceptance of ideas.
Routine memorisation of facts.
Sees small chunks.
Ignore guiding patterns and principles.
Lack of reflection about, or ignorance of, underlying patterns and theories.
Little attempt to understand.
Minimal preparation and research.
Challenge sources and ideas, develop an obvious understanding and show this.
Deep approach:
Independent engagement with material.
Critical and thoughtful about idea and information.
Relates ideas to own previous experience and knowledge.
Sees the big picture.
Relates evidence to conclusions.
Examines logic and arguments.
Interested in wider reading and thinking.
Ongoing preparation and reflection.
How is the deep approach shown?
Academic writing is formal and follows some standard conventions.
Each academic discipline has its own specialist vocabulary which you will be expected to learn and use in your own writing.
The substance of academic writing must be based on slid evidence and logical analysis, and presented as a concise, accurate argument.
Academic writing can allow you to present your argument and analysis accurately and concisely.
Never use the first person. Be direct and make statements with reasons to back it up.
I have considered — Consideration has been given to.
Aim for precision Don't use unnecessary words or waffle. Get straight to the point. Make every word count.
Avoid any abbreviations and contractions.
Avoid slang words and phrases.
Avoid conversational terms.
Avoid vague terms.
Dissertations Structure:
Preliminaries — Title / Acknowledgements / Contents / List of Illustrations.
Introduction — The abstract / Statement of the problem / Methodological approach.
Main body — Review of the literature / Logically developed argument / Chapters / Results of Investigation / Case Study.
Conclusion — Discussion and conclusion / Summary of conclusions
Extras — Bibliography / Appendices.
Do not prioritise the written element or the practical, both must be synthesised.
Harvard Referencing.
Author (date) Title Place Publisher
Miles, R. (2013) Why Referencing?, Leeds, LCA Publishing
"I have no idea how to reference" (Miles, 2013, p.7)
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